
Individual programmes of learning at Transition2 can be funded in different ways depending upon the individual circumstances of the young person.

Full-time programmes (three days per week) are funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency with High-Needs top up funding from the Local Authority. There is a lengthy application process based on individual circumstances and prior educational outcomes so we would advise young people and families/carers to be proactively considering post-18 or post-19 placements from as early as Year 11.

For young learning disabled adults looking for a part-time programme, Transition2 offers the opportunity for learners to self-fund using their Employment Support Allowance and/or Personal Social Care Budget (subject to agreement by their Local Authority’s Adult Social Care funding panel). Learners may wish, for example, to purchase a day of support from our specialist team in order to undertake a specific period of transition.

All part-time and full-time programmes are subject to an application process, details of which can be found here.

All funding allocated within this sector is based upon individual circumstances and the desired long-term goals of the young adult. To support this process, we encourage prospective learners and their families/carers to consider their intended end goals as soon as possible so that they may ‘start with the end in sight’.