A short film about making a short film

Like so many people, learners and staff at Transition2 were disappointed that an event we’d been planning for months had to be cancelled due to coronavirus.

Our ‘Hello My Name Is…’ conference, due to take place in March, was going to launch our learning disability communication campaign.  In preparation for this, learners from our Makaton and Media teams had been teaching members of our local community how to sign in Makaton.

Hello my name is ...

We were delighted by the enthusiasm and care received by colleagues from Derby City Council, Trent Barton, Saymez Cars, Etwall Leisure Centre and Derbyshire Constabulary’s Safer Neighbourhood Team in Normanton, all of whom worked patiently with our crew to learn the Makaton and then confidently sign on camera!


The footage captured a brilliant learning journey and the development of meaningful professional skills by both teams.  Rather than lose the momentum of what they’d worked so hard on, with a little creativity and flexibility we decided to use what they’d captured to make a short film about the making of a short film!

Please watch and enjoy…