Advocacy at Transition 2
We are delighted to be working with Barbara Cannon, an Independent Advocate who comes to T2 regularly to support our learners.

“Hi, my name is Barbara and I am a Specialist Independent Advocate for Children with Special Needs.
In addition to being a fully qualified Advocate, I am a Registered Nurse for people with learning disabilities having many years’ experience initiating and designing projects to ease the transition from children to adult services. I have spent my entire career supporting these children and adults, bringing their problems and difficulties to the attention of society, ensuring they obtain their rightful place in the community and ultimately, a better quality of life.
I am currently involved in the ‘MY WAY PROJECT’ with children in transition from St Andrew’s School to establishments like Transition 2 and beyond. My role is to liaise with children on transition from school to adult services and to ensure their wishes and aspirations are given priority when deciding further education, training courses or employment.
I hold 1:1 sessions with students at Transition 2. During these sessions we talk through (in complete confidence) person-specific issues which are causing them concern or anxiety. These confidential sessions enable them to speak up for themselves, helping them to develop confidence and language skills so that they may express their opinions, choices and long term goals.
Advocacy involvement gives students independence, confidence and greater control over their lives which extends to where they live in society.“