The Preparing for Adulthood Programme
In March 2011 the government published the Support and Aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and disability green paper, which set out proposals to reform the system of support for young people with SEN and disabilities and their families.
At the heart of the proposed reforms is a single assessment process and Education, Health and Care Plan bringing together support for children and young people from birth to 25, and focusing on better life outcomes beyond school or college.
The Department for Education commissioned a number of delivery partners to support local areas with this work. One of these delivery partners is The Preparing for Adulthood Programme.
A programme of work is now underway to explore these proposals, working with SEND green paper pathfinders. The Preparing for Adulthood programme will also provide knowledge and support to all local authorities and their partners, including families and young people, so they can ensure young people with SEN and disabilities achieve paid work, independent living, good health and community inclusion as they move into adulthood.
The Preparing for Adulthood Programme has three strands of work: Best practice and information sharing, Wider support for all local areas and Pathfinder support.
Transition 2 and St Andrew’s School are committed to working with and learning from the outcomes of the Preparing for Adulthood Programme. I believe that this work can help to raise the aspirations of young people and therefore challenge historic stereotypes of learning disabled people.
An evolving curriculum at St Andrew’s, the implementation of knowledge we are gaining at Transition 2 and the development of personalised work across Derby will ensure the very best lifelong outcomes for the young people with whom we work.
There are very exciting times ahead.
Phil Harrison
Executive Headteacher