Lockdown life at T2
With the New Year came a new lockdown, so to keep everyone safe we moved to an online home learning programme. We began with a session to remind everyone how Zoom […]
With the New Year came a new lockdown, so to keep everyone safe we moved to an online home learning programme. We began with a session to remind everyone how Zoom […]
Like so many people, learners and staff at Transition2 were disappointed that an event we’d been planning for months had to be cancelled due to coronavirus. Our ‘Hello My Name […]
Learners returned to College on the 7th September and very quickly settled into the new normal! With new routines upon arrival and departure, additional safety and hygiene measures and changes to group […]
This week we began our phased reopening of College. Throughout the lockdown period we have worked with learners and families using worksheets, online video chats, phone calls and online group lessons. As […]
During their isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic, learners have been set a number of tasks to complete at home relating to their individual targets. Learners and families have been completing […]
Further to our last update on the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, please see the information below with regard to the current picture, nationally and locally: National picture On the […]
Further to letters and accessible resources sent home to parents/carers last week, please see the links below for up-to-date governmental advice on the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic: Government Coronavirus Response NHS […]
We regret to inform you that the ‘Hello My Name Is…’ conference, scheduled for Tuesday 31st March, has been postponed due to a decision taken by the venue in response […]
To celebrate the end of term, we hosted a gig for learners and their friends and families. Local band Dammit Jack – 3 very talented brothers and musicians – played a […]
On the 17th December we hosted our wonderful Winter Fayre. We were joined by learners’ families and friends, as well as friends of T2 and neighbours from our local community. […]