Online learning
Transition2’s timetable of online learning, as part of our blended ‘one size fits one’ approach, is published to learners, parents/carers and colleagues weekly, via email. Secure access to online sessions is ensured by utilising passcode features of the educational platform and resourcing requirements are detailed in advance to ensure full participation in the sessions is possible. In addition, paper copies of worksheets are forwarded to learners’ and families’ homes via the postal service, so that learners can enjoy physically receiving everything they need for the week and having coloured visual resources applicable to their individual sensory needs. We see worksheets and timetables proudly displayed around learners’ homes; for example step-by-step visual instructions for making a hot drink can be seen on view in learners’ kitchens, which maximises their independence in skills for daily life, as well as their capacity to proactively contribute to social routines in the home.

Monitoring and assessment takes place, as usual, via a combination of person-centred learner-led reflective WWWEBI activities, as well as worksheet completion that is shared via Keyworkers with the Teaching and Learning Coordinator for purposes of internal verification and progress monitoring, as well as to inform weekly planning. Learners are encouraged and supported to engage with lessons like they would if on-site, presenting in a clean and appropriately dressed manner, being ready on time for the session with the necessary belongings / resources and saving eating/drinking for breaktimes.

As well as formal academic learning sessions, timetables also include details of pastoral tutorial sessions with Keyworkers and tutor groups, and informal times when all learners, families and colleagues can choose to eat their lunch together to share essential social connection time, which supports aspects of interpersonal communication and mental wellbeing.

Exercise remains an important part of our offer, with learners participating in Zumba, yoga or strength based exercise classes.

Our Thrive group continue to support and encourage each other, last week focusing on some challenges for their brains and bodies as well as sharing their feelings and news.
And when they’re not online with us, learners are busy practising those meal prep skills independently, treating their families to a well deserved hot drink and preparing their own meals!