Rolls-Royce in the community
Transition2 had the pleasure of working with a team from Rolls-Royce recently to transform an area of overgrown vegetation onsite at the college. The team consisted of 15 Rolls-Royce employees who agreed to give up their time to cut back and create a raised beds area whereby Transition2 learners could make better use of the space by growing their own fruit and vegetables.

Simon Hancox, Transition2 Partnerships Manger: “The Rolls-Royce team were an absolute delight to work with. Right from their arrival they showed a genuine interest in who we are, how we work and how today’s practical task will enhance learner outcomes. I think what really struck me was the sheer enthusiasm shown by every Rolls-Royce team member during the session; an enthusiasm that did not wane at any point during the course of the day. The team all carried out a range of tasks, often swapping from one to the other. This included:
-cutting back of overgrown vegetation;
-clearing piles of vegetation;
-lifting of some very heavy railway sleepers;
-head-scratching design work;
-construction of the raised beds.

“The event also gave an excellent opportunity for our learners to develop and showcase their catering & hospitality skills by planning and preparing a buffet lunch for everyone at college. Learners, staff and the Rolls-Royce team all took their buffet lunch together in the main hall. The interaction between Rolls-Royce volunteers, learners and staff over lunch was really wonderful to see. That, for me, was the icing on the cake of what was a highly productive and really humbling day.”

Phase 2 of the project is due to take place shortly.