Lockdown life at T2

With the New Year came a new lockdown, so to keep everyone safe we moved to an online home learning programme.

We began with a session to remind everyone how Zoom works, which buttons to press to be seen and heard, and how to see their friends in gallery view … building confidence in learners and their parents / carers.


We had some wonderful news sharing sessions where learners and staff talked about their holidays, gifts, special meals and plans for their New Year’s resolutions!

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Learners have taken part in timetabled strength based exercises and yoga to help with their physical and mental health.




Meal prep lessons this week have included making a packed lunch and cooking beans on toast.  Staff and learners have eaten lunch together online because, even though we are apart, we know that sharing a meal is a special way to keep us connected.

meal prep

Tyler participated well in his online meal prep lesson to make a packed lunch, using his worksheets to make and evidence his ingredient choices.

meal prep 2


Thank you as always to our wonderful team of staff, learners and families for their participation and support … we are all in this together.