YMCA Community Meal

As part of their bespoke pathway into employment, Transition2 learners Kristina, Seth and Maddie put their catering and culinary skills to the test by cooking a two course meal for 80 people at the YMCA in Derby for their monthly community meal programme. The cross-sector collaboration saw Marketing Derby Bondholders Vibrant Accountancy provide ingredients and some extra hands to create and serve up a delicious lunch, which was very well received by all.


Transition2 is committed to improving vocational outcomes for young people with SEND in Derby as part of Derby City Council’s plan for growth and building a resilient city that delivers strategies to promote inclusion in learning and employment. Today’s event, and the build up to today, has helped learners to improve their functional skills, self-management, team work, personal and food hygiene, customer service, health and safety, stamina, and work readiness, and to build aspiration for future work possibilities.