
Transition 2 learners Matthew and Aiden gave a premiere of their ‘Guide to Orienteering’ film at our Spring Fayre event on the 4th April 2017.
Matthew and Aiden have shown a real determination to capture their orienteering experiences of the past few months on film and turn them into a really useful resource for others.
The film outlines several reasons to try orienteering, as well as the many benefits the activity brings. It also showcases different permanent orienteering sites around Derby, Derbyshire & Nottingham.
Our friends from Derwent Valley Orienteers (DVO) also took part in the premiere event. Val & Sal from DVO took the opportunity to talk about their work in helping with the upkeep of the permanent orienteering sites across Derbyshire.
They also spoke about some of the family friendly orienteering activities taking place across Derbyshire over Spring & Summer 2017: for more information, please click here
We hope you enjoy the video; please feel free to share!