Derby Parks Volunteers

Transition 2 learners have been volunteering their time and skills with local conservation group Derby Parks Volunteers. The group’s Chair and Task Leader have shared their experience of working with our learners:
“Derby Parks Volunteers (DPV) is a group which carries out conservation work and improvements in the many green spaces in and around Derby with the aim to enable and encourage wider participation in local conservation. Our volunteers benefit in their activities from not just developing new skills and experiences but the enjoyment of the outdoors, the physical exercise and importantly the social aspects of being together. Students Jack, Oliver and Cora from Transition 2 have been actively involved in our activities assisted by the calm and encouraging supervision of Simon and Alex. They have participated in our hedge laying, coppicing, limestone path laying and woodland management tasks and we believe they have found their contributions rewarding, enjoyable and beneficial. We also have benefited from their presence, effort and involvement. Thank you Jack, Oliver and Cora.”
John Ragsdell, Chair Derby Parks Volunteers and
Paul Morrison, DPV Task Leader, Derby Parks Department